The Best TV Sex Scenes of 2017: Sex on TV Year in Review

Looking back on the past year, it's hard to deny that 2017 brought us some seriously steamy television moments. From unexpected hookups to sizzling love triangles, the small screen was definitely heating up. Whether it was a passionate embrace or a scandalous affair, these top 10 moments had us on the edge of our seats. If you're looking for your own hot and steamy encounter, why not check out nearby milfs looking for sex? Who knows, you might just find yourself in your own TV-worthy moment.

As we look back on the year 2017, it's impossible to ignore the impact that sex on TV has had on our cultural landscape. From steamy romances to raw and real depictions of intimacy, television has pushed the boundaries of what is acceptable and even expected when it comes to sex on screen. Here, we take a look at some of the best TV sex scenes of 2017, exploring how they have influenced our views on love, relationships, and sexuality.

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Game of Thrones: The Epic Love Scene

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It's no secret that HBO's Game of Thrones has never shied away from depicting sex in all its forms. However, one scene in particular stood out in 2017: the love scene between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. This pivotal moment in the series featured passionate and intense lovemaking that not only satisfied fans' desires for romance but also solidified the bond between two of the show's most beloved characters. The scene was beautifully shot and emotionally charged, making it one of the best TV sex scenes of the year.

The Handmaid's Tale: The Power Dynamics of Sex

The Handmaid's Tale, based on Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, explored the complex and often disturbing dynamics of sex in a world where women are oppressed and stripped of their rights. In one particular scene, the Commander and Offred engage in a sexual encounter that is both uncomfortable and thought-provoking. The power dynamics at play highlight the ways in which sex can be used as a tool for control and manipulation, making it an unforgettable moment in 2017 TV.

Masters of Sex: The Exploration of Human Sexuality

Masters of Sex has always been known for its frank and unapologetic portrayal of human sexuality, and 2017 was no exception. The show continued to delve into the complexities of intimacy, desire, and relationships, offering viewers a compelling and honest look at the various ways in which people experience and express their sexuality. Whether it was a tender moment between lovers or a raw and vulnerable encounter, Masters of Sex delivered some of the most authentic and impactful sex scenes of the year.

Big Little Lies: The Realities of Domestic Violence

Big Little Lies captivated audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances, but it was the depiction of domestic violence and its impact on intimacy that truly resonated in 2017. The scene in which Celeste and Perry engage in a brutal and violent sexual encounter was difficult to watch, yet it shed light on the complexities of abusive relationships and the ways in which sex can be used as a means of control and manipulation. It was a confronting and important moment in television that sparked important conversations about the realities of domestic violence.

The Deuce: The Gritty Realism of Sex Work

The Deuce, set in 1970s New York City, offered a raw and unflinching portrayal of the sex industry and the lives of sex workers. The show's sex scenes were not only explicit and authentic but also served as a powerful commentary on the ways in which sex work intersects with issues of power, exploitation, and autonomy. The Deuce challenged viewers to confront their preconceived notions about sex work and shed light on the lived experiences of those involved in the industry, making it a standout in 2017 TV.

The Impact of TV Sex Scenes on Dating and Relationships

The best TV sex scenes of 2017 not only entertained and captivated audiences but also sparked important discussions about love, relationships, and sexuality. From the complexities of power dynamics to the realities of domestic violence, these scenes offered a nuanced and thought-provoking look at the many ways in which sex intersects with our lives. As we look ahead to the future, it's clear that sex on TV will continue to push boundaries and challenge our perceptions, shaping the way we think about dating, relationships, and intimacy.

In conclusion, the best TV sex scenes of 2017 have left a lasting impression on our cultural landscape, offering viewers a compelling and honest look at the complexities of human sexuality. From Game of Thrones to The Handmaid's Tale, these scenes have sparked important conversations about power, intimacy, and the realities of sex in our society. As we reflect on the year that was, it's clear that sex on TV has had a profound impact on how we think about dating, relationships, and our own desires.